
Scatter Plot

  • A graphical tool used to display the relationship b/w an X and Y variable.
  • It shows a correlation between the variables (X & Y coordinates).
  • The pattern tells us about the nature and strength of the X & Y relationship used a first hand information.
  • The closer the data points come when plotted to make a straight line, the higher is the correlation between variables.
  • If the data points make a straight line going from the origin out to high X and Y values, then the variables are said to have a +ve correlation (Vice-versa)
  • Let us see an example of scatter plot; to find the relationship between the sleep hours per day Vs the age.
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  • We can see from the scatter plot that there exists a negative correlation between the sleep hours per day and the age.
  • This indicates that for every increase in age there will be decrease in the sleep hours.
  • The R square value of 85% indicates the model fits the data.